Happy Trails

A day in the life of, a life in the life of me.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

London Darling

Thats right, I'm back on British soil, and oh how a tear came to my eye when I landed at Heathrow yesterday. After spending the last 17 months in Asia, the first thing I notice is obviously, that I can understand what everyone in all directions around me, is talking about. This initially made me feel as if I should start talking with them, it was slightly overwhelming.

Matt met me as I walked through the gates, looking as if he'd just spent 2 months in India! Which he had! My adrenalin was racing. Wonderful.

Anyway, I woke this morning at 7a.m. to the sound of birds singing outside my window (jet lag has it's benefits) And went for a walk around the block to the convienience store. Which isn't an appropriate name for them round here. Back in Incheon I wouldn't have had to leave my apt building to go to the shop, but here, in London, I have to walk for 10 mins. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, it's just an observation. I loved every minute of the walk. From the moment I stepped outside, when I was faced with the townhouses on Leinster square, with the park in the centre, blue sky, fresh air, and a mini parked right out front. It could only be England. Assa!

I just want to say that I had a lovely dinner of fish and chips last night, and that I'll be heading to Stonehenge this week for a road trip, haha. OK it's breakfast time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the way you describe your return home, even the little details (suddenly understanding everyone around you, the mini, the "slate gray victorian sky"....ok i added that one). Anyway the point being, i really enjoyed reading this particular article. I really could see and feel a lil bit of what you might have felt....not to mention the imagery of good ol 'Leinster Square'. Well done Briony. I wish you all the best at home.

1:53 AM  
Blogger smatta said...

I'm glad to hear that you made it home safe and sound. I'm sure that you're greatly missed in Korea. Things are great here in the U.A.E. I really dig this place! Take Care

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:31 PM  
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7:06 PM  
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10:32 AM  

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