Happy Trails

A day in the life of, a life in the life of me.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The East Coast.

A long drive and a short stay, but worth it to see Naksansa. This is the largest stone staue of Buddha in the Orient. Located on a cliff between the East Sea and the mountains, this place has an amazing atmosphere. Maybe also because it was Buddhas birthday when four friends and I visited. The sad news is that Naksan temple was 1300 years old when it was burnt down with the forest fire April 2005. Whilst there I wrote the names of my family on a card, along with a prayer and attached it to one of the lanterns. There, blowing in the wind, Buddists believe my prayer will be whisped up and my family and I will be protected. So I left my prayer there, and I took my memories of Naksansa with me, in the rain, back to Incheon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pictures from the temple are wonderful. It's hard to imagine that temple being over 1300 years old, so sad about the fire.

12:56 AM  

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